Alix Anne Shaw
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I think of my work as a process of weirding space to challenge our predominant modes of encounter. Flashing neon, video, and sculpture invoke the normalized loneliness of modern life and ask us to reconsider the tenuous nature of interpersonal connections.
Frequently working in public space, I create small acts of lyric disruption that invite viewers to consider the brutality of the mundane. I am interested in the ways that we determine who or what is deserving of our notice and of bringing to the surface that which seems beneath our notice. Co-opting, disrupting, destabilizing, opposing, holding forth, building small fires of meaning and protest in the cracks—this is what I want my work to achieve.
I’m both a poet and a visual artist. I’m currently based in Milwaukee, where I curate the Fourteenth Street Gallery. I hold a BA from Yale University, an MFA in Creative Writing from George Mason University, and an MFAW in Writing and MFA in Sculpture from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. My work can be found online at and My email is Feel free to drop a line if the spirit moves you.
Past Artists on the Lam show: LEXICON (2016)
2020, video (shot on iPhone), 5:52, NFS
2016, performance with stills, video documentation, and accompanying essay, stills $300 each
Scraping By still: Block
Scraping By still: Crossing Street
Scraping By still: Luggage
Scraping By still: Harold Washington
Scraping By still: Trump Tower
Scraping By still: Sleeping on Train
Scraping By still: Bus Stop
Scraping By still: Abject Track
Scraping By creative essay
I’m Not Lonely
2021, Powerpoint presentation as MP4, 2:34, NFS
Infrared Forest
2021, oil on board, 20.5 x 12 inches, NFS