Shots, everybody

On Monday Illinois finally expanded vaccination eligibility to everyone 16 and older, so I got my 1st dose of the vaccine! Dolly Parton one / Moderna, at Walgreens.

I was so anxious and nervous on the way there (mostly because I haven’t set foot inside a store in over a year (thank you, curbside pickup) (as you know, I’ve been super strict with staying home since March 2020)), but once there I felt like I was in good hands. And what a gorgeous day it was to have a dose of hope.

More to be grateful for: Thank you, Art Design Chicago!

(March 30 marked exactly 1 year since SLAYSIAN—art show I curated of Chicago and the Midwest’s Asian artists—has been online. It’s still up and will remain up for as long as exists. If you missed it in 2020, take a look now. (And for interviews and articles about the show, visit this page.))

Speaking of shows, thank you to everyone who applied to Artists on the Lam’s virtual 10th anniversary international art exhibition, DECAHEDRON! Keep your eyes peeled for the artist list announcement!

Speaking of hope, my labor of love, Dreams of a City (can you believe it’s been 13 years since I started it as Manhattan Map // Postcard Project and 9 years since I launched the Chicago edition?), has inspired a writer in Finger Lakes, New York, to start his own version, and here’s his post about me, my mission, and more.

And I’ll leave you with some nostalgia as random as it is potent: Who else used to watch a show called Yan Can Cook back in the day? When I was little, this was my thought process during reruns. (And I’m loving all the love in the comments!)